Best advice you will ever get:
"If you haven't found what will bring financial security for you and your family in the future, I suggest you start looking now."
Jim Rohn
Start it as a part-time job
One of the advantages you get to enjoy when you join a network marketing company is time freedom. You can enjoy the enjoyment of telecommuting and having undefined hours.
You do not have to wake too early if you do not need to. Rather than utilizing it to evade traffic to get to your work; you can spend a little more time doing what you need and enjoying time with your folks and small ones..
With network marketing, you get to choose how many hours per week you’re going to work, yet still manage somehow to enjoy the monetary rewards as if you were working a full time job.

Get financial freedom
In EVERY job today there is an income ceiling. Regardless of how hard you work in these jobs, the income potential is limited by what the product or service can be sold for. In contrast, there is NO income ceiling in Network Marketing.
The fact is that Network Marketing has been the vehicle to more million-dollar incomes than any other industry! Your income is NOT dependent on your age, race, background, or education. You can be a broke, high school drop-out and still achieve tremendous success. Look at Mrs. Kim Hui in Jeunesse, she is making $550,000 USD per month. That is a lot of financial freedom (Source link).
Products based on Nobel prize winning research
Jeunesse is a leading direct selling company devoted to encouraging healthy living. The products are based on Nobel prize winning research and focuses on adult stem cell science, telomere support, DNA repair, fat loss technology and nutrigenomics. Products are made in the USA and are exclusively formulated for Jeunesse.

Start with little initial investment
The advantage of starting in Network Marketing is that there is a small investment and risk to get started. With a couple of hundred dollars, it is possible to get started with a solid, well founded company, marketing unique products.
When considering the cost of a typical Subway Restaurant Franchise, you are looking at a start-up cost of $150,000+. You don’t even want to know what it would cost to start up a McDonald’s or Starbucks. In Jeunesse you can get started for as little as $29,95 USD. It's amazing how big the potential for an investment that small.
No experience? Don't worry, we have free training
Before you begin selling to people, you are given free training on the product specification and marketing plan. It is at this stage when you learn about the benefits of the products, and make them attractive to consumers. The training on the marketing plan is how you earn money from selling. It discusses about the ways to earn commission both outright and weekly/monthly from the company.

Can give you the life
you've always wanted
Whether you are dreaming of big houses, cool sports cars, huge yachts or merely financial security for you and your family to never worry about money and debt again - Network Marketing is the only business that can give you unlimited income potential, that will get you the life you've always wanted, and more importantly, the life you deserve..
I've heard enough, how do I start?

Incredibly helpful helpdesk
We always say "You are in business for yourself, but not by yourself."
With a multilingual customer service, back office support team that is incredibly helpful, global enrollment system and in-house programming already in place, the company is fully operational in 32 offices around the world. It's distribution channels extend to over 120 countries.
Extra incentives like vacations and promotions
Every company promises rewards that are financial. We promise rewards that are so much more than just money—they change outlooks, reshape goals and dreams, and transform the way people experience life.
But everyone loves incentives and in Jeunesse there are plenty of opportunities to earn free trips or cruises in form of sales promotions and competitions etc., thank you! ;-)

Automated marketing and lead management system
No need to re-invent the wheel. We already have a professional marketing system that will help you with your marketing and management of your leads. It includes automatic lead generating landing pages, so you don't have to do anything but sending links to potential customers.
Free Android and
iPhone app for you
The world today is mobile and any company must adapt to that thinking or perish. Jeunesse is ready for the mobile world with their own iPhone and Android mobile app that will assist you in managing and marketing your business - where ever you are

More advantages of Network Marketing

Residual income
I am sure that you pay your gas, your electricity, and your phone bill every single month. These are the types of services that for the most part provide an ongoing stream of residual income for these companies.
The greatest advantage in Network Marketing is that it gives you an opportunity to enjoy residual income just like those companies do.
When the initial effort of getting a new customer is completed, you can enjoy the residual part of that business relationship.
We are so used to trading our time for wedges that we often times don't see the potential residual income of an MLM Affiliate Program. By direct selling your products, you can also claim your share of the residual income pie.

Amazing income potential
In corporate jobs, your big limitation was that regardless how hard you work for these companies; your income is tied to a "market standard" for someone with your skills.
In Network Marketing, that's not the case. It is up to you to decide how much you want to earn. A Network Marketing company doesn't hold you back in the same way the corporate environment does.
As long as you keep practicing the skills of a trained network marketer, you make whatever income based on your stamina, dedication, and your willingness to help others.
The skills set is key. Once you trained yourself to become a marketer, you can market anything you choose and generate that income you seek.

No inventory
In a traditional business you often have to spend thousands of $$ on stocking your store or shop. Just imagine having a shoe store, how many shoes do you need to have in stock, in different sizes, different colors etc. You are spending a small fortune to stock your inventory and the risk is, that you don't sell anything.
There's also storage space to consider for inventory, the work you have to do to maintain the inventory and the possibility of employees or others stealing some of if.
Not having to inventory products will make your business more agile to any market condition. And leaving you with no risk of having to do a "Sale" to get rid of the remaining items in stock.

Get your own 24/7 online shopping website
The minute you sign up with Jeunesse, you get your very own online shopping and presentation website you can use for showing product details and selling products to potential customers.
You don't have to worry about making a website, updating it, receiving payment, shipping the products or managing inventory, Jeunesse is doing all that, you just lead the customer to the site, and you will receive the profits in your account.
Partner with an award winning company
Jeunesse was presented with 3 Stevie® Awards for Company of the Year in 3 categories at the 13th Annual American Business Awards in Chicago in June 2015
At IETC 2014 Jeunesse won the following awards: the Fastest Growing Company of the Year Award, the MLM Paragon Award, the MLM Golden Midas Award, and the YES Brand Award.

No employees - low costs

No employees to hire
By far, this is a clear advantage over traditional businesses. A Network Marketing program is a business of people independently working together.
Without any employees, it's possible to build a business right from home. This industry gives you that added benefit, be in business without employees concerns, by having a network of independent business owners working together towards a common goal.

Low operating costs
The network marketing model makes possible to run a business at low costs compared to any other business model.
This is where your upline's support should come in. A good upline mentor should allow you to piggyback on hers/his expertise, on hers/his knowledge, on hers/his leads, and help you generate the funds to pay off your initial investment and get in profit early in the life of your business.

You help your customers get a healthier lifestyle
Our Youth Enhancement System (Y.E.S.) is the opportunity that brings most people to Jeunesse in the first place. The unmatched results people experience from Stem Cell Innovation, DNA Repair, and Telomere Maintenance breakthroughs bring the opportunity of youthful, health, and appearance to life.
Meet and help amazing
like-minded people
Helping others is important to many people. Network Marketing allows you to do this and to do it on a large scale. The ripple affect of your business and your personal impact can touch more people than you will ever know about.
To many, this is incredibly appealing.

Proven compensation plan that creates fortunes
Our Financial Rewards Plan is created with the distributors in mind. We already created more than 50 Millionaires in USD and more are coming. Our company is only 6 years young, but we already have 19 distributors on the world top earners list in Network Marketing. This proves we have distributors that are willing to work to make their dreams come true and that their hard work is rewarded accordingly (Source link).

Watch our award winning video
With customer testimonials and detailed information about our products.
Take your first step into a bright future
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