Write your Business Plan in stepsEasy to get started and easy to use in our step by step tabulated platform.
Full of help and guidanceFor each section you will find valuable advice and examples on what to write.
Perfect for the new startup or SMEDeveloped for and used by both small startups and the SME CEO.
Everything you need for your business planThe sections needed to present a viable, professional business plan.
The most effective business plan writing tool
Making a long, complicated process simple and easy using a uniquely guided step-by-step flowIt can take weeks, even months to write the perfect business plan. You look through all the templates you can find trying to put together the info material and content you need for the plan. Even then you can't be sure that you have what's needed. Our Business Plan builder has been created to guide you safely through the complex process of creating the best business plan you can get.
In each section you will find invaluable advice and hints on what to add, what you should write as a bare minimum, so you don't forget anything. Add your forecasts, your budget and see it all calculated and listed in beautiful tables in the finished plan.
The search is over, now get writing!
No more searching the Internet for the hundreds of different business plans you will find outthere, this is the preferred business plan design wanted by investors and business angels. No more, no less. Concise, to the point and with all the numbers that will help you and any potential partners find investors.
Yes, get me started!Invaluable demo content and guides
You have a great idea for a business and you know exactly how to describe your brilliant product, but you have no clue what to put in the myriad of content a great business plan requires. Don't panic, we've added lots of demo content and hints in the steps, so you always know what to write - you're welcome ;-)
Create for freeAesthetic, professional layout
Unless your new business is DTP layout and graphic design, you will probably have a hard time creating a professional looking business plan. Bt we've taken care of that part for you, just write your content and our PDF engine will create a stunning business plan in a top notch layout.
Take me thereThe expert opinion
Jack Ma built alibaba.com, talked to hundreds of entrepreneurs about their ideas and dreams; and most commonly he found that, while entrepreneurs are often great at making a brilliant product or service, they are equally unequipped to create a business plan. Watch the video to get more insights.
- Unique step by step guide with help for those like Jack Ma
- Built on 25 years of business experience
- Ideal for entrepreneurs and SME's
- Can be done without expensive consultants
- Hints, advice and guides help you write professional content
- Every step is saved so you can stop and come back later

Increase your chances for success and external funding
Your idea has substantially larger chance of success if you create and follow a great business plan
Investors love this!You want outside funding? Start here!
The days are over when you can pen down your idea on a napkin and raise $1 million USD. Investors and business angels look for much structure and numbers than 5 years ago.

Not sure what to write?Then you will love our guided plan builder
Our experienced researchers looked through hundreds of business plans and came up with a great collection of hints, advice, demo content and more, so if you are unsure what to write in a certain section, don't worry, we've got your back.

I'm not a designer!We know that not everyone can design and layout a beautiful business plan.
This is why we already created a professional design, that is not only pleasing to look at, but also show your thoughts and ideas in the best possible light.
The features of our Business Plan builder
- Step-by-step guide
- Aesthetic design
- Work in the cloud
- Create stunning PDF document
- Highly readable layout
- Work in easy steps
- Save multiple plans
- We help and guide you